Game Description
The adventure of BAKERU, set in fantasy Japan, revolves around a tanuki boy named Bakeru. His mission is to restore order after the chaos unleashed by Oracle Saitaro and his Festival Army. Armed with a mystical drum, Buckaroo sets out on a journey to free Japan from evil spirits. BAKERU takes place across 50 scenes inspired by Japanese prefectures. This vibrant world combines modern Japan with echoes of period dramas to create a captivating backdrop. The action of the game can’t help but be exciting as players journey through this whimsical realm.
Baker’s abilities are based on the Henge License, a treasure passed down by the Tanuki clan. This mystical license allows Buckaroo to transform into legendary Japanese heroes. Whether it’s Kintaro’s strength or Momotaro’s cunning, Bakaru adapts to overcome enemies and traps with ease. The gameplay is simple but exciting. As a bakeru, players use their Henge powers to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. From bustling city streets to serene countryside, each stage offers unique motifs, providing a varied and immersive experience. Don’t be surprised if the title sometimes turns into a high-speed racing vehicle or takes to the skies for exciting dogfights.
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