Game Description
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a multiplayer shooter that allows you to play for free on a pirate online with a friend, or gives you the opportunity to compete in intense battles over the Internet online or locally. The network game is represented by such modes as Capture, Assault, Skirmish and Realism. Depending on the choice of mode, the victory conditions and gameplay mechanics change.
VIP, Special Forces, Upgrade Unlock, Onslaught, Vietnam and other multiplayer matches are available as additional competitions. The possibility of free online play allows you to fight for one of four classes of fighters. Each participant fulfills his mission as a team, rushing into battle or acting as support. Game classes in Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Assault - a fighter with a rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher; Medic - a support soldier fighting with a machine gun and a portable defibrillator; Engineer - a participant with a submachine gun and an anti-tank grenade launcher and mines, as well as the ability to repair equipment; Scout - a spy with a sniper rifle, C4 charges with a radio detonator and binoculars, fighting at long distances.
For killing enemies, bonus points, titles and awards are awarded. The accumulated experience can be spent on improving abilities and purchasing new equipment. The maximum hero level is 50. Players start at level zero and the rank of Recruit, and end at level 50 with the call sign General. As the game progresses, new types of guns and different abilities are unlocked. Battles take place on 14 interactive maps, such as Valparaiso, Laguna Pressa, Island of the Innocents, Oasis, Heavy Metal, etc.
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