Game Description
On the pirate site Biped you can play for free with a friend online, going through various tests and traps over the Internet online or locally. The gameplay is an adventure 3D platformer, and the online game allows you to constantly interact with each other, helping your partner in difficult times, covering them, or overcoming traps together. At the center of the story are two small robots Aku and Sayla. They were sent to Earth to carry out an important mission.
The camera has multiple perspectives, moving from full 3D to a 2.5D format more typical of a classic platformer. Biped’s gameplay consists entirely of puzzles and obstacles. Throughout the game you need to control equipment, cut wood and much more. There is a single-player campaign, and the possibility of free online play is also available. Joint passage is aimed at constant coordination of actions, allowing you to overcome the most difficult puzzles and puzzles together.
You will explore forests, valleys, waterfalls, ice cliffs, planetary lighthouses and many other picturesque places. Each biome offers its own unique puzzles and adventures. You need to collect treasures to buy hats and various accessories. Flexible character customization helps you create your own unique hero. You need to show a master class in pairs with your partners, overcoming obstacles at speed in order to take high positions in the leaderboards.
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