Game Description
Borderlands 2 is a shooter with a view from the perspective of the protagonist and leveling up abilities and passive improvements, as in the role-playing adventure genre. A direct continuation of the story of the original game. The main differences from the first part are a greater emphasis on the plot component and the addition of a more advanced weapon editor with many possible modifications that open up as you progress. Weapons are divided into several types according to the manufacturers: Dal - reduced recoil and the presence of a burst firing mode. Tedior - does not have additional horns, instead of reloading it must be thrown like a grenade at enemies to explode. Hyperion is the antagonist’s company. A special feature is the increase in accuracy as the shooting progresses. Malivan - has the ability to impose special elemental debuffs on the enemy, be it freezing or poisoning. Vladov - the fastest-firing weapon. Torrg - has a slow bullet speed, but they have explosive properties. Jacobs - huge damage, but small ammunition. Bandit - spacious magazines, but long reload time.
Before the start of the Borderlands 2 campaign, the gamer is given a choice of 6 characters with different backgrounds, a set of abilities, their own leveling branch and characteristics. They are not tied to a specific type of weapon, due to which everyone can choose their weapon without obstacles. The main character receives assignments during his travels from non-player characters controlled by artificial intelligence or from message boards. For completing quests, you receive a reward in the form of some kind of guns, experience points, or eridium - a rare metal that serves as currency in this world.
At the center of the plot, many characters from the first part of the series remained, for example, the robot Claptrap or the main antagonist of both games, Handsome Jack. The main goal of the protagonist is to destroy Jack’s dictatorial regime on the planet Pandora.
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Borderlands 2
Release Date: 2012/09/21Game Description Borderlands 2 can be played online with a friend in splitscreen mode. Using an Internet connection online, a co-op for four is available for free on the pirate site. The gameplay is presented as a first-person shooter, aimed at looting and leveling up. There are 6 characters to choose from. Everyone has a personal skill set, personality, and background. Once in the open world, you need to go to the notice board to get to work.

Torchlight 2
Release Date: 2012/09/21Game Description Torchlight 2 allows you to play online with a friend, teaming up to play through the story campaign together. Up to six people can play on Pirate for free. The game is available via the Internet online and local connection. The more participants join the adventure, the more enemies there will be on the screen. The plot tells the story of the town of Torchlight. Here, the ancient dragon Ordrak became a source of corruption, but he was defeated by three heroes: the Destroyer, the Alchemist and the Victorious.