Game Description
In RUMBLE you will become the greatest fighter, learning to control not only your body, but also the surrounding objects. You can play online with a friend, competing on a pirate for free in duel matches. On the Internet online you will need to challenge your opponent, demonstrating martial arts skills and the ability to control the earth. Rumble fighters are able to lift stones into the air, using them to shield themselves from the attacks of their enemies or to throw them at their opponents. The character and surrounding objects have individual physics.
Network play allows you to fight with absolutely any player from different parts of the world. Before entering into battle, it is recommended to undergo training by studying the movements of your fighter. You can fight in close combat or attack your opponent from a distance using the environment. By combining skills, the hero inflicts crushing damage on the enemy. The possibility of free online play in RUMBLE invites you to test your strength in the Arena. A leaderboard showing the best players is available here. Battles continue until the enemy’s life bar reaches zero.
As you win battles, you accumulate experience points and increase your rank. As you gain a new level, more techniques are unlocked. They need to be mastered in the Hall in order to determine your fighting style. The park allows 6 players to fight at the same time, organizing a large-scale duel to the death. In this mode, you can participate in mini-games and organize full-fledged tournaments for the title of Rumble Champion.
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